7 Reasons Why Retailers Should Shift to Online Learning Today

Mar 2019Blog

Online learning has revolutionised the way people learn. No longer do we spend hours going through encyclopedias or books to find the answers, information is constantly at our fingertips and available to us.

So why, in Buying and Planning are we still dependent on inconsistent and inefficient on-the-job training?

I guess the answer has been until now, lack of options…

Numensa has launched an online Retail Academy that takes the training to be a Buyer or Planner into the 21st century. The courses cover the career progression of a buyer or planner from entry level, to an assistant, right through to a fully-fledged Buyer or Planner, giving the learner the tools to progress in their career.

The benefits of online learning…


Learners can learn when they like, where they like, on the train, on their lunch break, even on a Monday night whilst eating pizza in bed.

Learn at your own pace

Online learning provides the learner with the freedom to learn at their own pace and solidify their knowledge without the pressure of keeping up with the classroom. Learning is personal to each person. We all have areas where we shine and some skills that we need a few more attempts to master.

Take control of your learning and career

As a trainee, you’re hungry to learn and tap into the retail buzz, yet most people are trained on the job with no structure or process. Online learning gives the learner the control, showcasing rising stars within the business.

Learn in a way that’s familiar and interactive

Whether it’s finding a video on how to de-shell prawns, researching the history of cycling shorts for a fashion blog or asking Google when the new series of Game of Thrones starts, we are constantly interacting online and finding information. The average trainee at 27 years old was 6 when Google launched, learning online is, therefore, familiar and comfortable.

Develop self-management disciplines

Self-mastery, self-discipline and time management skills are all key skills to gaining a successful career. Creating a development program and sticking to the timelines, allows learners to hold themselves accountable and develop these skills.

Based on global best practice

The courses are developed in Australia and the United Kingdom. Retail is the single biggest employer in the UK and companies each year sell millions of products. Numensa courses are developed by seasoned Buyers and Planners who have worked for some of the world’s leading retailers. The team in Australia have worked for Arcadia, Coles, Marks & Spencer; New Look, Next, The Iconic, to name but a few.


Numensa courses are affordable at $395 (plus GST) per course. Multi-course and multi-user discounts are available ensuring value for money. For example, the more courses and the more people signed up, the lower the cost per person per course.
Customers are more informed and demanding than ever before, they use the internet to compare products, value, delivery and overall brand/offer. Buyers & Planners need the skills and knowledge to meet to meet customers’ expectations. They can now build their capability using this same technology.
For more information regarding Numensa Online Training Academy visit our website or email our friend Retail Academy team.